La Classique du Quebec 2015
4 Apr 2015A Summer Night’s Dream!
Report by Didio Barrera
Action photos by GSR Studio
The city of Montreal, Quebec was blanketed with snow as I landed, it was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen landing at the Pierre Elliott International Airport.
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Star Dance Tours Rules & Results
2 Apr 2015Ballroom Tour
Overall Standings Following Orange County Dancesport (Round 4)
1. Alexander Voskalchuk & Veronica Egorova 514.50 **
2. Mikhail Avdeev & Olga Blinova 507.72 **
3. Andrey Begunov & Anna Demidova 425.22 **
4. Igor Colac & Roxane Milotti 384.06 **
5. Denis Kutepov & Lesya Sinitsa 283.92 **
6. Ronen Zinshtein & Mariam Izmaylova 238.78 **
7. Anton Lebedev & Anna Borsh 111.29
8. Igor Mikushov & Ekaterina Romashkina 94.92
9. Michael Towliszew & Tiffany Fung 87.64
10. Oscar Pedrinelli & Lenka Kovalcikova 87.50
11. Sarosh Ahmad & Zoe Wydroug 70.21
** Met minumum attendance requirements for grand prize - so far.
Results of Orange County Dancesport
1. Mikhail Avdeev & Olga Blinova 140.43 *
2. Alexander Voskalchuk & Veronica Egorovva 125.21
3. Andrey Begunov & Anna Demidova 101.86
4. Denis Kutepov & Lesya Sinitsa 100.50
5. Igor Colac & Roxane Milotti 95.43
6. Sarosh Ahmad & Zoe Wydroug 70.21
* Audience favorite
Results of BBC & C
1. Alexander Voscalchuk & Veronica Ergorova 141.64 *
2. Mikhail Avdeev & Olga Blinova 125.79
3. Anton Lebedev & Anna Borsh 111.29
4. Andrey Begunov & Anna Demidova 98.29
5. Denis Kutepov & Lesya Sinitsa 86.71
6. Ronen Zinshtein & Mariam Izmaylova 80.07
7. Igor Colac & Roxane Milotti 78.86
* Audience favorite
Results of IGB
1. Mikhail Avdeev & Olga Blinova 134.93 *
2. Alexander Voskalchuk & Veronica Ergorova 127.86
3. Andrey Begunov & Anna Demidova 113.64
4. Denis Kutepov & Lesya Sinitsa 96.71
5. Igor Colac & Roxane Milotti 90.71
6. Michael Towlizew & Tiffany Fung 87.64
7. Ronen Zinshtein & Mariam Izmaylova 82.50
* Audience favorite
Standings following Yankee Classic (Round 1)
1. Alexander Voskalchuk & Veronika Ergorova 119.79
2. Igor Colac & Roxanne Milotti 119.06 *
3. Andrey Begunov & Anna Demidova 111.43
4. Mikhail Avdeev & Olga Blinova 106.57
5. Igor Mikushov & Ekaterina Romashkina 94.92
6. Oscar Pedrinelli & Lenka Kovalcikova 87.50
7. Ronen Zinshtein & Mariam Izmaylova 76.21
* Audience favorite winners
Please note the Ballroom tour total scores have now been corrected to show 2 decimal places. On the original post here they were shown with only 1 decimal place. This does not change any results.
Rhythm Tour
Overall standings following Volunteer State (Round 3)
1. Nazar Norov & Irina Kudryashova 544.00 **
2. Aaron & Iryna DeSoto 404.65 **
2. Andre & Natalie Paramonov 356.72 **
3. Emmanuel Pierre Antoine & Liana Churilova 328.72 **
5. Daniel Lee Tran & Elizabeth Kinney Taylor 262.14 **
5. Mikhail Vlasov & Vanda Polakova 218.78
6. lya Velednitskiy & Mariya Ilchenko 98.86
7. Mykyta Serdyuk & Anna Krasnoshapka 98.29
8. Christopher Wayne & Juanita Simamekova 87.64 **
9. Slash Sharan & Meghan Anderson 83.79
10. Danus Jaksevicious & Yuki Haraguchi 81.79
11. Ivan Dishliev & Marietta Nedyalkova 70.21
12. Jonathan Green & Rachel Neilson 73.86
13. Igor Ustymovych & Briana Santiago 69.07
** Met minumum attendance requirements for grand prize - so far.
Results from Caribbean Dancesport (Round 4)
1. Nazar Norov & Irina Kudryashova 145.29
2. Misha Vlasov & Vanda Polakova 118.64
3. Aaron & Iryna DeSotto 106.64
4. Dan Lee Tran & Taylor Kinney 87.43 *
* Audience Favorite
Results from Volunteer State (Round 3)
1. Nazar Norov & Irina Kudryashova 138.64 *
2. Emmanuel Pierre Antoine & Liana Churilova 127.93
3. Andre & Natalie Paramonov 117.07
4. Aaron & Iryna DeSotto 109.29
5. Dan Lee Tran & Taylor Kinney 88.00
6. Christopher Wayne & Juanita anekovaSimanekova 87.64
7. Jonathan Green & Rachel Neilson 73.86
* Audience Favorite
Competitors can see Star Tour scores from Twin Cities Open by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Results from Twin Cities Open (Round 2)
1. Emmanuel Pierre Antoine & Liana Churilova 141.36
2. Nazar Norov & Irina Kudryashova 140.64 *
3. Andre & Natalie Paramonov 125.29
4. Ilya Velednitskiy & Mariya Ilchenko 98.86
5. Mykyta Serdyuk & Anna Krasnoshapka 98.29
6. Aaron & Iryna DeSoto 94.93
7. Slash Sharan & Meghan Anderson 83.79
* Audience favorite
Results from Colorado Star Ball (Round 1)
1. Nazar Norov & Irina Kudryashova 119.43
2. Andre & Natalie Paramonov 114.36
3. Mikhail Vlasov & Vanda Polakova 100.14
4. Aaron & Iryna DeSotto 93.79
5. Daniel Lee Tran & Elizabeth Kinney Taylor 86.71 *
6. Danus Jaksevicious & Yuki Haraguchi 81.79
7. Ivan Dishliev & Marieta Nedyalkova 70.21
8. Igor Ustymovych & Briana Santiago 69.07
9. Emmanuel Pierre Antoine & Liana Churilova 59.43 **
* Audience favorite winners
* ** Time Penalty applied
The next tour event is third leg of the Rhythm Tour at Volunteer State - Nashville, TN - July 23-25, 2015
Confirmed Events & Rules
Yankee Classic – Cambridge, MA – June 18-21, 2015
International Grand Ball - San Francisco, CA - July 24-26, 2015
BBC & C – Boston, MA – Sept. 24 -26, 2015
Orange County Dancesport - Irvine, CA - Oct. 9-11, 2015
City Lights Ball – San Jose, CA – Jan. 29-31, 2016
Colorado Star Ball – Denver, CO – June 18-21, 2015
Twin Cities Open - Minneapolis, MN - July 9-12, 2015
Volunteer State Dancesport - Nashville, TN – July 23-25, 2015
Caribbean Dancesport – San Juan, PR – Nov. 4-7, 2015
City Lights Ball – San Jose, CA – Jan. 29-31, 2016
The Purse
The purse for the finale of the Star Tours stands at $53,000.00 per style - a total of $106,000.00 for both the Rhythm and the Ballroom style. In each style $25,000.00 will go to the couple that earns the most points throughout the run and another $28,000.00 will be distributed among 2nd to 12th places as follows:
2. $8,000.00
3. $5,000.00
4. $4,000.00
5. $3,000.00
6. $2,000.00
7. $1,000.00
8. $1,000.00
9. $1,000.00
10. $1,000.00
11. $1,000.00
12. $1,000.00
The Rules
Points earned per dance in the group competition (or the qualifying professional competition) are:
A first place will earn you 6 points
A second place will earn you 5 points
A third place will earn you 4 points
A fourth place will earn you 3 points
A fifth place will earn you 2 points
A sixth place will earn you 1 point
If there is a seven-couple final, seventh place will also be awarded 1 point in each dance towards the solo performance and the wildcard couple (see below) will earn 3 points total going into the solo dance. This wildcard couple will be selected by the audience watching the semifinal of the Open Ballroom or Rhythm competition and they will participate in the showdance of the Star Ballroom and Rhythm tours only (they will not dance in the final of the group competition) and they will earn 3 points total going into the solo dance.
We also feel that in order to keep the point system as balanced and fair as is humanly possible in the Showdance portion of the competition, the highest judge’s score and the lowest score for each couple will be eliminated. Then the Showdance scores will be averaged and added to the group competition points towards the result.
In the Star Tour “Showdance” portion of the competition, each couple including the audience’s “wildcard” will perform a solo routine. Routines should be 3 minutes or less, any couple that dances over three minute will get a deduction of a point per second over 3 minutes. (eg. if you dance 3 minutes and 10 seconds, 10 points will be deducted from your final tally during that leg of the tour) and this score carries forward. There are no restrictions on material. Props can only be used if they are attached to the dancer or costume. Nothing can be placed on the floor as “scenery” including chairs. The seven couples will dance in order of their placements in the group event with the wildcard performing first followed by the finalists in reverse order of placement. 9 judges will be selected at random to judge the solo routine.
The judges will award 5 different scores for each couple.
1. Storyline and Artistry (was the routine more than just steps, did the routine have a storyline, did they bring their storyline forward through musicality and interpretation). 20 points.
2. Difficulty. (Were the steps easy to do or was it a difficult routine) 20 points
3. Technical performance. (entrances and exits, connections etc.) Points should be deducted for any obvious errors – missed lifts, missed connections, falls, etc. 25 points
4. Creativity and originality (is the routine clever, were there any groupings that were unique even if they were not performed well). 25 points
5. Clarity. (Was the work clear and easy to follow, both physically as well as developmentally) 10 points
As in the previous tour, we will have the audience-voting feature. As we mentioned, the audience will be asked to vote for the couples in the semifinal and the couple with the highest number of votes, but not selected by the judges for the group final, will participate in the showdance portion of the event. The audience can vote via text or internet. The tour will be streamed live so audience members at home can still vote.
The audience will vote again following the solo presentations and this vote will also count toward the amount of points the couples receive. The audience vote is tabulated in percentage up to 100% meaning each couple will receive a percentage score and this will be converted to points. If a couple receives 30% of the vote they will automatically receive half the points 15 extra points towards their final tally in the solo competition. Voting will end 5 minutes after the last couple performs their solo routine. And all scores will be added and tabulated and a winner and placements will be announced and rewarded.
The couple with the most points at each leg will win the showdance portion. Prize money at each leg will be awarded for the Showdance section.
Also $500.00 will be awarded by us to the audience’s favorite couple in the solo presentations in addition to the prize money awarded for that leg of the tour by the organizer.
In the event of a tie for any position in the overall tour, a dance-off will be used. The two couples will be asked to draw for a dance then a minimum of 3 judges will make their decision.
City Lights or soon to be called “San Jose Open” (Jan 29 – 31, 2016) will be a double-point event that means double points will be given at the City Lights (San Jose Open) competition where the finale will take place, January 2016. The couples must attend a minimum of 60% the competitions advertised in each tour in addition to City Lights (San Jose Open) to qualify for the grand prize. (For example if there are 4 competitions they must do 3. If there are 5 they must do 4. If there are 8 must go to 5. If there are seven they must go to 5.)
Couples must be present and compete at the City Lights (Sand Jose Open) Competition in January 2016 to qualify for the grand prize of the Star Tour, and it is not counted as an event attended. Couples most attend 60% of the tour, to qualify for any money.
We also want to reiterate that everyone is welcome to support the competition and participate in the Open Ballroom and Rhythm events at the competition, regardless of whether they wish to participate in the Star Tours. If for any reason a couple does not want to be part of the Star Tour but still want to compete in the Rhythm and Ballroom events, you just have to let us know before the competition starts, so we can make any changes necessary to our selections.
The New Golden Star
2 Apr 2015The New Golden Star DanceSport Championships
Report by Donna Edelstein
Photos by Dancesport Photography
This was my first time judging the Golden Star DanceSport Championships, held January 30,31 and February 1 at the Westin Hotel in Jersey City and it was Delyan Terziev and Boriana Deltcheva’s first year as owners of the event.
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USA Dance Nationals - 2015
28 Mar 2015![]() |
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Last Shout!
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The last day of competition in Baltimore, Maryland was not as filled with energy and people as Friday and Saturday had been, however, the competition was still quite strong finishing all odds and ends and completing all major championships deciding who will represent the United States at this year’s World Championships.
The biggest attraction for us this night was the Youth Championship Standard and the Adult Championship Ten Dance. We also saw the Adult Smooth and a number of senior events. The Youth Standard was great and the fight was quite intense with a full semifinal round, but in the end the competition went to Samuel Hacke & Katarina Hermanova who won three dances and placed second in the waltz and quickstep. They won with a majority of firsts the foxtrot and Viennese Waltz, ‘second or better’ in the tango and second place in the other two dances.
Second in three dances and winning the waltz and quickstep, making them second overall were Kinsley Lin & Michelle Yiu. For us it came down to musical and dance interpretation. Kinsley & Michelle are wonderful technicians and their work was excellent. However, it needed a little more soul in order to shake the tough panel into awarding them the other three dances. However, we could not have better couples representing the United States in such high level competition in Rimini, Italy, December 2015. Third went to Justin Lin & Sasha Dubinsky and they placed third in every dance. Fourth place in every dance was awarded to Mike Monokandilos & Sophia Brodsky, fifth was awarded to Murat Medzhidov & Valerie Dubinsky and they took fifth in every dance living sixth to Jaryd Farcon & Kyla Dzhaniashvili.
As I mentioned we also saw the Adult Ten Dance Championship and it was a little bit of a disappointment when it came to the number of couples entered. However, the three couples entered were excellent in their craft. Seven of the ten dances went to Mikhail Vorobiev & Sonya Tsekanovsky. Their weakness was in the Latin where they picked up three second placements in the S,C,P. Second overall was awarded and winning those three dances, to Sergey Dementyev & Viktoriya Kolbenkova. Third was awarded to Denis Kojinov & Jeanette Chevalier and they took third in every dance. The winners will go to Chengdu, China for their Ten Dance World Championships, congratulations to Mikhail & Sonya.
There was a WDSF Under 21 Open Latin event and it was poorly attended. Only two couples competed and here Jaryd Farcon & KylaDzhaniashvili were the winners by winning three dances and placing second in the rumba, paso. Second overall and wining those two dances were Samuel Hacke & Katerina Hermanova.
Continuing in the under 21 Championships the USA Dance Championship also had the Under 21 Ten Dance this evening and again it was not a popular heat to enter, here also only 2 couples were present and the winner will represent the USA in Riga, Latvia in October 2015. The winner here was Samuel Hacke & Katarina Hermanova. I was quite proud of this lovely couple who we’ve followed through the USA this and last year, they are perfect proof that hard work pays off. They won seven dances and placed second in three. Second overall was Mikhail Vorobiev & Sonya Tsekanovsky and they won the waltz, rumba, paso and placed second in the other three dances.
The USA Dance Adult Championships Smooth was also held this evening and here we had a full semifinal. The winners overall were selected by rule 11, meaning there was a tie and it had to be broken by a rule. The winners, Jonathan Medlin & Malin Allert ,won the waltz and tango and placed second in the other two dances. The runners up, broken by rule 11. were Paul Freitas & Kelly Glasheen and they placed first in foxtrot and Viennese Waltz and second in the other two dances, so a complete tie and that is why rule 11 had to be used. Third in this Championships in all dances were Damian Pataluna & Irina Morozova. Fourth were Renzo Aida & Natalia Struchkova 6,4,4,5, fifth were Rodney Berry & Shannon Berry 4,6,6,4, and sixth were Gerogia Cometa & Alice Wang 5,5,5,6.
The Junior II Championships ten dance took place and the couple representing the USA in Rimini, Italy is Yusif Amsatr & Naomi Spektor, they placed first in 8 dances and second in the foxtrot and quickstep. The winner of those two dances and runners up by placing second in all the other dances and 3rd in the cha cha, were Erik Linder & Rickie Taylor. Third overall were Kristers Smits & Sophie Shvartsman, fourth was Svyryd Syvyk & Diana Byk, fifth went to Daniel Melnik & Maria Voldki, and sixth was Tyler Li & Anjelica Lowe.
The Senior II Championship Latin was well-attended and here Arkady Rabinovich & Arlene Yu will be representing the USA in Nice, France in October and they placed 1st in three dances and second in the samba and paso. Second overall was Carlo De Jesus & Kelley Priest, they placed 1,3,2,3,2 and third was awarded to Roger Korsiak & Holli Hornlien 3,2,3,1,3. The winners will also be going to Nice, France for their World Championship.
In the Senior II Ballroom Hans & Ans Stork will be representing the US in Rimini, Italy and they won every dance. The runners up were Joseph Huesmann & Rebecca Yeamans 2,2,3,3,2, and third went to Vincent & Irina Feingold, they placed 3,3,2,2,4, it was also great to see so many senior couples participating in this event with a full quarter final round.
The Senior I Championship Rhythm went to Paul Duhaime & Kelly Madenjian. The Senior III Championships Rhythm wen to Darry Martin & Jil Coe. The Junior I Championship Latin went to Tyler Li & Anjelica Lowe. The Junnior II Championship Smooth went to Donovan Kirrane & Katelyn Photopoulos. The Youth Championship Smooth went to Donovan Kirrane & Katelyn Photopoulos.
The competition overall was very well attended and I was very happy to see so many couples going to represent the USA in so many countries. These types of experiences create great impressions on our young and to be given the opportunity to represent your country and participate has no measure, but has great value to everyone especially our young couples who are so impressionable. Congratulations to the organizing committee and we hope that in the future more kids join the ranks and attend this important event in our calendar.
Not your Normal Standard!
Last night was a great night for Ballroom in America, perhaps the best night so far here at the USA Dance National Championships! The feature event the Standard Championship as the style is still called in the WDSF, was fantastic. It’s called “Ballroom” in US NDCA competitions and this was not the normal “Standard” it was out of this world with great couples full of life and innovation.
The Ballroom style is a connection for most of us between the now and the past. Most of the dances themselves the waltz, Viennese Waltz, and quickstep are beautiful but antiquated dances that are now rarely danced at a social level unless you are a Ballroom dance aficionado. The beauty of these dances especially in the Ballroom style still fascinate most of us with great nostalgia of two bodies dancing with ease across the floor to beautiful social music. Earlier I said innovation because it was great to see some of the top competitors last night present these dances with the same classical take but with a few innovations of musicality and body action. We tend to always learn to keep the dances as close to the original as possible without violating their basic principals of movement, but last night the winners in particular were able to do this without the greatest exaggerations that are now common in many young couples trying to emulate instead of create.
We want to tip our hats to the newly crowned USA Dance National Standard Champions, Earl Williamson & Charlotte Christiansen who totally impressed us with their ability to interpret this classical Ballroom style of dancing with great basic principals and yet innovation. We could not keep our eyes from this couple they were far above the rest. In looking at the marks it was clear that the majority of the judges saw it as we did, however, we were very surprised to see a few of the adjudicators awarding them lower than second position in any dance. There were exactly three out of the 13 judges that awarded them third place marks. The most consistent in awarding them the most thirds was Inez Sahlin who awarded them thirds in the waltz, tango and foxtrot. Roberto Albanese also awarded them a couple of thirds one in the waltz, and one in the foxtrot and Kimberly Smith also awarded them a third in the tango. Once again we are very pleased that the system worked, it would have been a shame to see such brilliant talent not win the night, but in this case as in most the majority ruled and they will represent the United States in Vilnius, Lithuania coming up later in the year and we wish them great fortune and hope they bring a medal home.
The winners were great but we cannot forget that the final was one of the strongest finals I have seen at the USA Dance Ballroom Championships. Second was awarded to Florin Vlad & Natalia Linda O’Connor who placed second in four dances and fourth in the Tang. In looking at the marks you could see that from second down the judges had a hard time placing the couples, their marks varied from a few firsts to sixth place in some cases, making a mosaic of 1-6 throughout the final. So why were this excellent couple so low in the tango, there is no explanation. We thought they were quite capable, but perhaps we were too busy with first place to come to a full conclusion. This was fur sure not an easy walk in the park for the judges and I can honestly see how their marks could vary with any couple at any time. Third overall was awarded to Sergey Dementyev & Viktoriya Kolbenkova who were placed third in 4 dances and fourth in the foxtrot. Fourth place went to Fernando Lareu & Nicole Palagashvili and here are their marks, also an interesting combination 6,2,4,5,4. Fifth wen to Stanish Pavlov & Sandra Spernacka and here are their marks 4,5,5,6,5, and last but not list in sixth place were Ilia Zakharav & Anna Trukhan and here are their marks 5,6,6,3,6.
There were also a number of other important events sharing the spotlight this evening that should be mentioned. The Junior II Latin representative to the world was also decided and here. Yusif Amsatr & Naomi Spektor were the overall Champions by winning four dances and placing second in the paso. Yusif & Naomi will represent the USA in Riga, Latvia this coming December. Second went to Kristers Smits & Sophie Svartsman 3,2,2,1,2, leaving third to Erik Linder & Rickie Taylor 2,3,3,3,3. The Junior II USA Dance National Champions representatives in the Standard at Chisinau, Moldova are Erik Linder & Rickie Taylor and they won all five dances, second in all dances went to Yusif Amsatr & Naomi Spektor, and third overall went to Svyryd Syvyk & Diana Byk 3,4,3,3,4.
The Youth Latin Championship was also great and the representatives will go to Chisnau, Moldova this coming year as well in October for the Youth Latin World and they are Mike Monokandilos & Sophia Brodsky who won the event by placing first in four dances and second in the Cha cha. Second place was Kinsley Lin & Michelle Yiu who placed 3,1,2,2,3, leaving third to Samuel Hacke & Katerina Hermanova who placed 2,3,4,3,2.
It was also great to see that they are also doing a Latin Showdance Championship but sadly to say that only one couple entered and that was Nikita Malakhov & Nadezda Vlasova who the night before won the Latin USA Dance National Tittle.
We are also sadly to report that only five couples enter the Under 21 Ballroom and here the representative to the 2015 Youth Ballroom Worlds in Rimini, Italy will be Samuel Hacke & Katerina Hermanova 2.5,1,2,2,1. Second went to Justin Lin & Sasha Dubinsky 1,3,3,1,2, and third were Mikhail Vorobiev & Sonya Tsekanovsky 2.5,2,1,3,3, as you can see the judges were very undecided in this competition.
The Adult Rhythm USA Dance Champions were Allen Granzberg & Milana Lazareva, the Senior I Latin Championship was also well attended and here the Champions were Irsa & Cami Tisnabudi, the Senior III Latin Championships went to Edwin Bugarin & Charlotte Bugarin. The Senior I USA Dance Smooth Champions were Jonathan Medlin & Malin Allert. The Senior II USA Dance National Smooth Champions are Mike Lynch & Rose-Ann Lynch, they are also the Senior III USA Dance National Smooth Champions. The Junior I USA Dance National Standard Championships had only three couples entered and here Tyler Li & Anjelica Lowe took the title back to California. The Senior II Rhythm USA Dance Champions are Carmine Rucco & Maria Bolyard.
USA Dance 35 years in the Making!
This year the USA Dance National Danceport Championships at the Renaissance Harbor Place Hotel in Baltimore, Maryland celebrates 35 years! And as usual the championships are filled with people of all ages wanting to represent the United States in the WDSF Championships around the world in the different age categories and different styles. Last night a few of these major US Championships were were decided and here are some of the results and how we saw it from the sidelines.
The biggest title decided was the Adult Championships Latin. The competition started in the afternoon with a full quarter-final round of about 20 couples from around the USA, and by 10:00PM we were down to a six-couple final. In the end our favorite quick pick was the best from round one and maintained a full performance showcasing maturity, and full stamina. They were in the quarter as good as in the final and they were Nikita Malakhov & Nadezda Vlasova from NJ and they won every dance. On paper it too was clear. They managed to get a full majority of firsts from the judges, only a handful of adjudicators dissented from this decision. The biggest surprise for us was the marks from Phil Lee who on paper awarded Nikita & Nadezda the lowest marks recorded, 6,7,6,6,4. There were another two judges that awarded them less than a second place and they were Inez Sahlin who awarded them 4th in samba, 3rd in cha, and a fifth in paso, and a sixth in jive. The other judge who awarded lower than second was Kimberly Smith she awarded them 3rd in samba and a 4th in paso. As an observer I don’t see how you could mark this excellent couple less than second but, here is the total proof the system still works and in the end the best will always come through. Congratulations Nikita & Nadezda and good luck in Wetzlar, Germany at your competition and may you bring the gold for the USA.
Second in this major Latin Championship went to Kiki Nyemchek & Magda Fialek who placed second in every dance. Their marks were a little more varied with a number of thirds, fourth and even a few sixths. For us Kiki & Magda were a perfect example of clarity of work. It was what we would describe as a perfect performance. However, that does not always translate as an exciting performance, being able to touch emotionally the audience is an important part of dance and for us this was a lacking element in their performance. We would have love to see what they were feeling and what they were trying to express, we must remember that we want to see life on the floor and not just a perfectly executed exercise.
Third went to Jason Chao Dia & Sasha Nissengolts. They placed third in 4 dances and 5th in the rumba. When it came to third place we could not agree more, an excellent couple but still not able to bring the maturity needed across to award a gold medal. Perhaps the rumba might be a perfect example, here it is required to deliver a soul provoking performance and unless it is clear in your mind what you are trying to accomplish it could end being just steps.
Fourth in all dances went to Sergey Dementyev & Viktoriya Kolbenkova. for us this couple’s performance was also well organized. At times they looked as if they could challenge for higher placement, but when you looked further once again it became all about the steps and not enough about what they were trying to say and accomplish. I did enjoy Sergey & Viktoriya’s Paso their interpretation was vey interesting. I think with work they have something going there, at times it became a little frantic but terrific paso. Fifth went to Malachi Osai & Annabella Waszkiewicz and they placed 7th in C, S, third in rumba and fifth in the other two dances.
Sixth was awarded to Ryan Raffloer & Hanna Sverdlov. They placed fifth in the S,C, sixth in the rumba , paso and 7th in the jive. Last in this excellent heat was awarded to Daniel Dementyek & Dakota Pizzi they placed sixth in S,C, J seventh in R,P. These are two excellent couples with a little more time I think we have here champions in the making. The raw potential is all there all they need to have is a little more time and they will bloom beautifully, quite happy to see our future in Latin looking so bright.
The Senior I Ballroom Championship was heavily contested. A seven couple final was called and here in a surprising move Thomas Yim & Kelly Cheng from California took the lead and the prize
away from what we thought would be the favorites Xingmin & Katerina Lu who placed second in every dance. Thomas & Kelly won all dances. Our congratulations to Thomas & Kelly and good luck to you in Prague Czech Republic later in this year. Third was awarded to Tulga Ersal & Ilkin Ersal 4,3,3,3,4.
In the senior III it was an emotional moment for Hans & Ans Stork who won the Championship by placing first in four dances and second in the tango. Vincent & Irina Feingold took second overall 1,2,1,1,1 and third in all dances was awarded to Mike Lynch & Rose-Ann Lynch.
The Youth 10 Dance is always a great event, having to dominate two styles and doing it to the best ability is hard and for us very difficult to predict. This year’s Youth Ten Dance Champions were Samuel Hacke & Katerina Hermanova. They won 5 dances and placed second in five dances, they will be going to Kiev in the Ukraine for their World Championship we too hope you bring a medal home. Second overall went to Kinsley Lin & Michael Yiu, possibly the favorites going into this event. They also won five dances but placed second in four dances and third in the samba, breaking the tie and placing second overall. Third was Mike Monokandilos & Sophia Brodsky. Here there was a little more variation in the marks they even took a fifth in the VW and Samba.
The adult 9 Dance was also presented last night and this category went to Matthew Shimizu & Jennifer Crown and they won four dances and placed second in five. Second went to Damian Pataluna & Irina Morozova they won five dances but placed second in three and third in the rumba, as you can see this dance made them lose this Championship. Third overall was awarded to Evan Schreiber & Hannah Bundus.
The Amateur Youth Latin was also presented last night and here we had some excellent couples as well and totally worth the mention. Daniel Romakin & Dakoda Pizzi easily won this championship and they will be going to Chisinau, Moldova for their World Championship good luck to them. Second was Ryan Raffloer & Hanna Sverdlov and third went to Ariel Milshteyn & Adelina Ishkayeva.
It was interesting to see the Standard Showdance category added to this year’s evening program. There were only three couples entered but it was quite exciting. The winners overall were Ilia Zakharav & Anna Trukhan, and we must say that it was very close between first and second placed Florin Vlad & Natalia Linda OConnor. For us this routine was the best and as I say it was very close indeed with each couple taking four 1st, in the end it came down to two 3rds and Florin & Natalia got one more than Ilia & Anna so they ended up second overall. Third was awarded to Fernando Lareu & Nicole Palagashvili.
The Under 21 Ballroom had the smallest of all entries, here only four couples entered. The winners were Justin Lin & Sasha Dubinsky 1,2,1,2,1, second went to Oleg Moros & Joy Shen 2,1,2,1,2. Congratulations to these two couples they will be representing the USA in Vancouver, Canada.
The competition as always was very interesting especially due to so many new faces judging the event. I think this is a very positive move on the part of USA Dance variety is the spice of life and they had lots of it this time, and there were no strange results. As we said earlier the system worked congratulations to the organizing committee of USA Dance for organizing such terrific championships
San Francisco Open 2015
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35 Years in the Making!
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This year was the 35th anniversary of the San Francisco Open, and to celebrate many of the finalists and winners performed in a 2-part show last night. This on top of two high quality open professional competitions.
The Open Smooth really brought out an interesting group. US Champions, Peter & Alexandra Perzhu were entered and they had little trouble winning all dances, each one with a large majority of 1st place marks. The runners-up, Nick Cheremukhin & Viktorija were equally clear in 2nd place. Judge Beth Knoll awarded them 1st place in all dances. 3rd spot, again in all dances, fell to Evgeny Malko & Anna Shabazyan, who looked more relaxed and in control tonight as they continue to gain experience together. 4th in all dances went to Slava Stefanov & Jessica McMorrow who always give a light and bright performance. Back on the scene here in the USA after some time away were Mark & Melanie Perkovich from Australia and they took 5th in all dances. Closing the final were Drew Miller & Krista Humphrey.
Andrey Tarasov & Yulia Kuznetsova were clear winners in the Open Latin from the judges’ perspective and from the audience’s. They had clear majorities in 4 dances and won the paso doble, also with a majority of 6 firsts to 4 from the runners-up. The runners-up were Dmitry Nikishkin & Olena Shvets who scored 2,2,3,2,2. Roman Italyankin & Alexandra Bokova took 2nd in the rumba and 3rd in the other 4 dances. Pavel Balykin & Meagen Mendoza were 5th, 5,5,5,6,5 and Simeon Stoynov & Kora Stoynova were 6th, 6,6,6,5,6.
For the pro-ams it was a day of Ballroom and the Open Scholarships were some of the best of the weekend. The largest open scholarship this year was the Open Senior Ballroom with 12 entries. The winner was Gail Sherman w/ Slava Stefanov. Another good event was the Open B Ballroom and here the winner in all dances was Michelle Peng w/ Mikhail Avdeev.
The Pros Come Out!
Last night we saw the first of the Open Pro divisions here at SFO. The Rhythm and the Ballroom both began with semifinals.
With a 2014 US finalist couple in both divisions, the result seemed pretty sewn up going in and indeed, both couples won their respective division by winning all dances.
Nazar Norov & Irina Kudryashova had the majority of 1st places in all 5 dances although there were a few loose firsts floating around. Runners-up, Danus Jaksevicious & Yuki Haraguchi received at least 1 first in all dances as did 4th placed Riccardo Papi & Sabrina Moretti. We felt Nazar & Irina were pretty clear. One judge, Aira Bubnelyte did not see it this way placing them 4,4,4,4,4 and Colin James also placed them 3rd overall.
Danus & Yuki, recently returned to the floor, received 2nd in all dances and had a very appealing presence on the floor. All energy, Andri Abrashin & Mariia Gavrylova were 3rd in all dances, but did not receive any 1st place marks from the judges. Riccardo & Sabrina were 4th in all dances and as we said, had their supporters on the judging panel, receiving 1st places in all dances. Ivan Dishliev & Marietta Nedyalkova were 5th in all dances and Ryan Lockhart & Danelle Newman were 6th.
Mikhail & Olga were easy winners in the Ballroom losing very few 1st place marks and with a perfect 11 firsts in Viennese Waltz. Igor Colac & Roxanne Milotti took 2nd in all dances. They did have the majority of 2nd or better in 3 dances but also had scores all over the final. We thought they were certainly the best choice for runners-up. For here down the results became much less clear. With 3,3,3,4,3, Stefano DiBrino & Briana Zubrowska were 3rd and are rising very fast here in the west coast competitions. They were also the rising star winners. Another newer couple to the pro floor, Christian Radvan & Kristina Kudelko, took 4th with 5,4,5,3,4. Nick Cheremukhin & Viktorija were 5th 4,6,45,6. This was not quite as good a result as they achieved in the RS. Closing the final were Simeon Stoynov & Kora Stoynova with 4,5,6,6,5.
It was left to the amateurs to provide us with the closest finish of the night and that was in the Amateur Latin. The winners, by 3 dances to 2, were Nikolai Tarasov & Amanda Herrschaft. They placed 1,2,2,1,1. This young couple seem to improve from comp to comp and already looked stronger than in Provo 2 weeks ago. Runners-up were Kiril Kulish & Orsolya Horvath who won the other 2 dances but placed 2nd in cha cha and 3rd in paso and jive. Going in we felt this would be the winning couple and they certainly have great floor presence. But the energy level and consistency was not there tonight in the final. With 3,3,3,2,2, Andrey Voloshko & Kateryna Krylenko were 3rd. Daniel Rubashevsky & Anastasia Vysotska were 4th in all dances. 6,5,5,6,5, gave Hai Tran & Stacey Chuang 5th place and with 5,6,6,5,6, Maksim Kalmanovich & Danielle Rayzberg were 6th. This was an all California final.
The pro-ams danced both Smooth and Latin today and we thought the Open B Latin Scholarship was the best of the day. This was won by Tina Broccole w/ Delyan Terziev and she won all dances. 2nd in all was Li Liu w/ Andrey Tarasov and 3rd in all Michelle Peng w/ Nikolai Voronovich.
This is the 35th anniversary of the SFO and we know there are some special events planned for tonight.
Sunny & HOT!
San Francisco Friday
Sparking sunshine over San Francisco Bay greeted dancers as they arrived at the Marriott Hotel for the San Francisco Open’s first day.
And if it was warm outside, things got hot in the ballroom last night, with the heat coming from the Amateur Ballroom Scholarship that pitted many of the USA’s top couples against the Canadian Champions and one of the world’s top six from Poland.
Andrez Sadecki & Karina Nawrot from Poland have finished in the top six in international events and were 4th at the UK Open this January. So we certainly considered them the favorites to take the event last night here in San Fran. But it was not to be. The victory went to US (NDCA) Amateur Champions, Andres & Veronica End who won all dances. However, the Ends did not have the majority of 1st places in any dance. The judges seemed uncertain tonight and the 1st places were spread a
mongst several couples. The worst scores for the winners came from Mark Weiss who placed them 6,4,4,4,3.
Andrez & Karina must certainly have been disappointed with their result. They actually placed 2,2,2,2,3. So what happened? To us, they appeared the best on the floor at least in most dances, but did they really stand out – perhaps not. We saw them get hung up in corners a number of times, for example. Their worst scores came from Irina Suvurov who scored them 6,5,5,5,6.
3rd spot went to USA again. Oskar Wojciechowski & Karolina Holody 3,3,3,3,2. As tall as the winners, it is great to see this couple back on the floor following a long hiatus. We just wish they seemed happier to be there – always a very serious demeanor from Oskar! Anton Belyaev & Antoanetta Popova from Canada took all the 4’s. We have not seen them dance in some time and felt they showed considerable improvement in this style (they are 10-dancers). Ruslan Kalyuzhnyy & Kseniya Savenko were 5th 5,5,5,5,6 and Marek Klepadlo & Liana Bakhtiarova were 6th 6,6,6,6,5. Altogether this was a very impressive competition.
We also saw all 4 styles of the professional rising star divisions and they were reasonably strong although only the Rhythm had a semifinal round. The most successful couple of the night were Stephen Smyth & Viktorya Kleyman who won the Rhythm and placed 2nd in the Smooth.
Their scores in the Rhythm were 1,1,1,1,2. Runners-up were a strong couple from Canada that we had not seen before, Dmytro Gurkov & Alexandra Efremova who scored 2,2,3,2,1. 3rd spot fell to Ryan Lockhart & Danelle Newman with 3,3,2,3,3.
In the Smooth Slava Stefanov & Jessica McMorrow were the comfortable winners we thought and they won all dances. Stephen & Viktoriya were 2nd in all and Brandon & Kirsten Perpich were 3rd in all.
The RS Ballroom turned into quite a tight race. The win went to the quickly rising Stefano DiBrino & Bianka Zubrowska who placed 1,1,2,1,2. Smooth stars, Nick Cheremukhin & Viktoriya were the runners-up with 2,2,1,2,4 and 3rd went to Cristian Radvan & Kristina Kudelko, 4,4,3,3,1. We were once again impressed with Yuriy Nartov & Sarika Hudson who were 4th tonight placing 3,3,4,4,3.
Simeon Stoynov & Kora Stoynova were comfortable winners in the Latin, taking all dances. 2nd went to Artjom Shmigeljuk & Oxana Kashkina again in all dances and 3rd to Zsolt Katona & Timea Potyz also in all dances.
For the pro-ams it was Rhythm all day.